First of all sorry for my english, it's not my mother language so I'm sure I will make a lot of mistakes!
Yes I've been owning this little wonder for a few months now and I can say I will probably never go back!
This article is divided in two parts: the description of this keypad and a guide about how i customized my keys to fit my DotA player needs.
Part 1. The Razer Nostromo Keypad Description and Review
Let's start with hardware specs:
the bold part is from razer's website I will comment in italic.
Ergonomic form factor and tournament-grade layout This is for sure the best feature of this keypad. It's VERY confortable and can be adjusted to fit your hand dimensions. I play for hours and you will see it's so easy to forget about you keypad completely! Of course you will need a few hours of gaming before you get accostumed to it, so don't use it for important games right from the start!
16 fully programmable Hyperesponse keys 16 can sound like a lot but for me was the perfect number. If there were 14 or 15 it would have been a problem but for DotA 16 is exactly what you need. if you play FPS they will for sure fit your needs to but I'm not sure if they are enough for MMORPG. I won't talk about this because since I dont play MMORPGs I' not sure what the correct number of keys is, just think about it on your own :p
Programmable 8-way directional thumb pad and scroll wheel You may think this is not needed for DotA but you are wrong! It's very confortable and I use it for macros and chicken but I will get into details later. A directional thumb pad can be used in a "directional" way for FPS but if you think about it's just a confortable way to do 4 or 8 different things with just one finger!
Instantaneous switching between 8 key maps I don't use this feature a lot but I guess is just good to have it especially if you play many games. For DotA can be useful if you want different keys for heroes like geomancer, invoker etc who may need their own macros and hotkeys
Unlimited macro lengths For DotA I use very short macros to select hero and chicken fast but I can say that is very fast to make macros and you can get into very tiny details like milliseconds of delay before press a key etc..
Stores up to 20 different game profiles Nothing to add.
Adjustable soft-touch wrist pad for exceptional comfort See first point
Backlit keypad and scroll wheel for total control even in dark conditions This looks very cool but it's very hard to move your hand and "lose" keys unlike keyboards. So you don't really need the illumination but for the look which is actually pretty cool :D
Enhanced Razer configurator software See macros point
Approximate dimensions in mm: 184(L) x 160(W) x 59(H)
Approximate weight: 250g
Hardware Requirements
PC with USB port
Windows® 7 / Windows Vista® / Windows® XP
Internet connection (for driver installation)
At least 35MB of hard disk space
Part 2. My DotA Razer Nostromo Keys And Macros Guide
This is the key costumization interface and now I will describe my personal way of using Razer Nostromo. I will start with the most important keys and will continue with the less important.( please someone help me with english :D)
My index, middle and ring fingers are on key 09,08 and 07 respectively. I use index for attack command for easy lasthit (09) and keys 07 08 04 03 are used for the main 4 skills. Some heroes need extra skill key but unfortunately I use a mouse button for that, maybe one day I will add my mouse setup too to this guide. You can use directional thumbpad for this if you like and it will fit in my setup too because i use only 3 directions over 8.
Key 02 is use for hold command useful to block creeps, lasthit and to hide behind the trees before a gank.
Keys 12 13 14 and 15 (thumb key) are used for items. I have and extra item key on my mouse too but using 5 activable items is not for everyone :D.
The key 16 (thumb key over the directional thumbpad) is used for the macro "enter - go back - enter" which is extra useful when you need to communicate fast with you team and if you played dota a little you will know for sure how crucial this is!
Now the "pinky keys" 01 06 and 11.
I personally don't use key 01 but to set control groups for my hero and the chicken.
06 is shift command and I use it to queue commands. For example when I tp to a tower I can queue a movement or a spell so I don't cancel the tp and i will start doing whatever I queued as soon as the tp is finished!
11 is TAB and is used to switch beetween selected units for enchantress, chen, geomancer etc.
Key 05 is set with this macro "11" to quicly select my hero and move my camera to him after i buy items or if I lose control of him!
And now the directional thumbpad! I use only 3 directions because I felt like it was the most confortable and less confusing way to use it. Down is used for the macro "enter - miss - enter" to quickly communicate a MIA without losing a lasthit or getting distracted. Up is the same but with "enter - re - enter" macro. Left is used for this macro "22" to quicly select the chicken and move the camera to him to buy items or to move him away from the enemy.
I think this is all if you have any questions or feedback don't hesitate to leave a comment below!!
Tiny is one of the strongest gankers in the game, feared for his one-shot killing combo. I will give you some strategy essentials to play this hero at his best!
Laning: Tiny loves the solo mid or alternatively the solo long lane. He has low armour(easy to get harassed) so you need to stay back and get levels as soon as possible. Try get some lasthits when it's safe to do so and get mana boots or boots of speed + bottle very fast.
Rune control:Tiny loves runes especially if you went bottle. Try to get as many runes as possible!
Ganking: Now it's time to pwn some noobs! Choose the right target like an isolated low hp hero. Look at the scoreboard it may be a good idea to target a hero that died already once or twice at this stage so you get your dagger fast! Just use combo(Avalanche then Toss) on them coming from behind then heal and repeat :)
Teamfights: Now it's time to shine with the dagger you farmed! Let the tank go in and as soon as the 1st spell is casted jump on a lonely support and BAM! Kill go back and wait your spells to be off cooldown again and then jump with dagger and BAM again!
Items: Core: Boots of Speed > Bottle (can be skipped if not mid) > Mana Boots > Dagger Luxury: Shiva/Assault Cuirass / Arghanim / Hearth of Tarrasque
Skills: Max stun (Avalanche) and Toss. Then get ultimate and Craggy Exterior.
Lategame: Tiny is at his best during early and mid but lategame can still do his job. At this point one shot killing is hard because everyone got items and levels so their hp is higher.. Chase fleeing supports with your dagger + stun!!
Read links to more in-depth information! Go pick Tiny and gank with your team to victory!
Lycan is by far the most popular and effective carry of 6.72c. He farms in the wood incredibly fast and with his wolves damage output and his ultimate he becomes dangerous very quickly. So how do you counter this monster!?
Here I will summarize the key strategies against Lycan:
1 Batrider: The perfect counter with is ultimate. Just get a dagger and ultimate (lasso) him every single teamfight.
2 Rexxar: the concept is the same, a long disable that goes throught bkb.
3. Ghost Scepter: In particular on supports this is the key. Lycan has 0 magical damage so once you go ghost form you are safe from lycan (paired with a good disable is great)
4. Bane: again same as 1 and 2. Disable throght bkb. What is he gonna do?
5. Void: aoe disable throght bkb, bash throught bkb, 25% evasion and superior carring potential.
6. Warding: ward the woods so you can gank him and block the camps so he will farm slower w/o creeps spawning
7. Laning: take advantage of his absence in lane, if he spends the first 15 mins farming you can capitalize on the situation and play aggressive lanes versus outnumbered opponents.
8. Gang: aka dont feed him. Supports and squishy heroes should never ever go alone when there's a lycan in the other team because they are easy food. Try ganging and ganking, you won't regret it!
9 Mix: These are all good strategies alone but they become incredibly effective when apllied together. Just imagine a game where you are lycan. you go to woods and half of your creep spawns are blocked by wards. Your lanes fail becaus ethey are outnumbered and when you finally farm that bkb rexxar and bat are waiting for you to shut you down before you can do anything.
The Gyrocopter launches a homing missile that will follow the target until it impacts. The missile is inactive for 3 seconds upon launch and then begins slowly accelerating towards the target. Stuns the target for 2.5 seconds and deals damage based on how much it traveled. The missile can be destroyed by 3 attacks from a hero or tower.
• Towers do half damage to the rocket. • Enemy gains vision over the rocket 1 second after it starts moving. • The crosshair over the target is visible to allies only. • Damage type: magical • Minimum damage is 50. • Maximum of damage is reached when the rocket is 2000 units away from the point where it started
Homing Missile is always visible if you have vision over it, but only after it starts moving are fog modifiers created so the enemy can see it wherever they are! Once the missile is put down, it will stay inactive for 3 seconds, then it starts moving, then 1 second after it started moving, enemies will gain sight of it!
Homing Missile can be moved a little during the 3 seconds before the real start. I made a test and made a video about it!
Soul Burn Silences a target unit and amplifies the damage it takes by 20% Amplified damage is dealt at the end of the duration as magical damage Lasts 5 seconds, costs 100 mana, has a 18 second cooldown, and a 900 cast range
Silence BLOCKS these passives: 1) Last Word Aura 2) Permanent Invisibility (Riki's and Mirana's ultimates!)
Is Buff Cancelled And Removed By Activation? Find out watching this video! As you can see windrunning first Phase and Windrunner will FULLY STACK! But be careful if you do the opposite Phase will be REMOVED by Windrunner!
back to the basics: did you know that sentinel and scoruge pulling needs different timing? for sentinel you should pull at :14-17 or :44-:47 while for scourge :11-:15 and :41-:45 will do ;) and be careful with the centaurs stuns!
What item and skill build is the most effective on Krobelus?
Well the main characteristic of the death prophet is that she needs a very good early game to level up and farm up as fast as possible. To make this possible a nice amount of mana and early boots are needed for sure. Here we have some options to make this possible: Early Game: boots, soul ring,magic wand/stick, arcane boots
This items will make sure that you can farm spamming the spell and you will be harder to ganks thanks to the high movement speed (arcane boots + passive skill tht increases ms). Chose one between arcane boots and soulring.
Death prophet during mid game should still concentrate on farming and gettin level 16 as soon as possible since that's when she shines the most. Once you are 16 the only thing you should care about is use ulti in teamfights and try to survive which may not always be easy. For this reason you will need tanky items, hood and shive will provide protection from both magical and physical damage which is exactly what you want versus most lineups. Mid game: hood and shiva
Lategame krobelus is still decent but not at her peak. You will need to focus on supporting the main dps if you have one in team. Guinsoo and skadi ar both nice options that will give you some more stats and supporting potential. Late game:guinsoo and skadi Just tested and was very effective. What do you think? Share your ideas!
Today i got asked about omnislash mechanics! Omilash does a fixed amount of dmg 150-250 x 3-5-8 attacks (lvl 6 11 16) but you can do more attacks with arghanim. You can do extra attacks if you have enough attack speed because you are not channeling! This means you can orb effect too (desolator!) this means you CAN USE ITEMS during omislash!